Forest Replacement is characterized by the mandatory planting of trees of suitable or compatible species, required of individuals or legal entities that explore, use, consume or transform products or by-products from planted forests, for continuous maintenance of the stock of raw materials used in timber industry activities; in the pulp and paper industry; by consumers of firewood and charcoal as an energy source; by firewood and charcoal producers and wholesalers; in civil construction activities; between others.

Acquire Forest Replacement credit
with someone who understands the subject!
We have Forest Replacement Credits available for sale, already certified and regularized by SEMA-PA.
What are Forest Replacement Credits?
Forest Replacement Credits are securities representing the volume of raw material resulting from forest planting, which are generated after proof of effective planting of appropriate forest species. Such credits provide stock or recovery of forest cover, so that the individual or legal entity that carried out voluntary planting can sell their credits to whoever is obliged to carry out the replacement, under the terms of the law.
It is worth noting that the planting of forests with native species in degraded permanent preservation and legal reserve areas can be used to generate Forest Replacement Credits before IBAMA (Article 19 of Decree No. 5,975/2006), which constitutes a possible untapped source of income for rural landowners.